Thursday, October 31, 2013

The devotion on Jonah published today on "Welcome" to those of you coming from that website to this one for the first time. Here is where I comment on my Bible studies, including those I do in preparation for writing the devotions there. I also include poetry here. The poem on Jonah may be found by scrolling down.

I've begun my next study on Nahum and have found it to be very closely aligned to Jonah. We'll see if I'm inspired to write a poem for the new one. The title might be "The Bad Guys May Be Winning Now, But Some Day They'll Lose Big Time." Well, that's a little long, longer than the whole poem would be. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I haven't been blogging, but I've been writing devotions for the website
every other week. We've begun our series "Major themes of the minor prophets." I haven't written one on Jonah yet there, but I'll post a poem here that I wrote years ago.

from God

Silly Jonah
Turning his back,
Going the opposite direction,
as if he could flee
from God’s presence.

Silly Me
Closing my eyes
As if God couldn’t see me,
As I run away
from His presence.

Praise God
He never turns His back
He sends whatever it takes
To bring us back
into His presence.