Studying Zechariah in order to write a devotion for to be published next Thursday. This prophetic book is fourteen chapters full of Messianic prophecies. God will come to dwell with His people. Immanuel, God incarnate (2:10-13). He will remove their iniquity in one day: dying for their sins on the cross. His sacrifice will pay the debt of their sin (3:9). Others not now part of His people will be invited to sit under the vine and fig tree. Gentiles (3:10, 6:15).
The Messiah is described as The Branch (see also Jeremiah 23:5-6). He will be both priest and king (6:8; 11-13). He will be rejected, stricken, His followers scattered (11:12-13, 13:6-9).
But one day all nations will gather against Jerusalem and God will defend His people who have been refined as silver and tested as gold. They will look on the One they pierced and mourn as for an only child, a firstborn son (12:10).