Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Well, AMG rejected my book proposal--they are "not in acquisitions mode right now."

I am therefore going back to my original idea of a devotional booklet instead of a Bible study. My devotions are expositional--containing much scripture and interpretations besides applications to contemporary life.

The new book will be the same topic and title:

Seniors in Scripture

I'll probably include some questions for Bible study as Denise and I do on the website: The format is not clear at this time: I've only received part of the assignment!

Meanwhile, I'm resting, teaching and attending Bible studies at church, finding my house under accumulated clutter, reading, and doing all the things I put off while writing the book proposal. I'm drinking at the well.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Well, I did it--I sent in a book proposal to AMG Publishers. It's for a Bible study on Retirement:

Seniors in Scripture

or IRAs for short.

I looked at seven seniors in the Bible and the assignments God gave them, then at how to apply the principles to our lives. 

Hope to hear soon--could be four months to process.
It's in God's hands.